The XXII Congress of the Colombian Association of Internal Medicine (ACMI) took place at the Cartagena de Indias Convention Center from October 11th to 14th, 2012. President of the Congress was Dr. Virgil Carballo Zárate, organised by the Colombian Association of Internal Medicine President Dr. Juan Manuel Senior.
Dr. Rodolfo Bado was invited as speaker and highly regarded as President Elect of ISIM, and presented two conferences: "Advanced Heart Failure" and " Perioperative Management of the Elderly"
The event gathered internists from Colombia with the participation of the SOLAMI associated countries; the assistance was nearly 3000 participants. The Scientific Programm covered a wide spectrum of internal medicine topics and gathered speakers from Argentina, India, USA, Canada, Chile, México and Spain. Among the speakers where Dr. José Luis Akaki (México), Secretary General of SOLAMI; José Rodríguez Portales (Chile), Ambassador from ACP and Dr. Andy Abril (USA Mayo Clinic).
Picture taken at the ISIM- SOLAMI- ACP Symposium and shows the Faculty:
from left to right Dr. Juan Manuel Senior (Colombia), President, Colombian Association of Internal Medicine; Dr. José Luis Akaki (México), Secretary General SOLAMI; Dr. Rolando de Castro (Colombia) Secretary ACMI; Dr. José Rodriguez Portales (Chile), Ambassador ACP; and Dr. Rodolfo Bado (Argentina) President elect ISIM.